5 tips for making your marketing easeful
By Tristan Katz
If you’ve already dipped your toe into the world of marketing, you know that cultivating an effective strategy takes time. You also likely know it also takes energy, creativity, determination, consistency…and non-attachment to the outcome of your labor!
Below you’ll find five quick tips for making your marketing easeful and aligned with your unique style and capacity.
- Block out your time. In order to stay consistent with your communications—whether it’s social media, a newsletter, or your blog, you’ll need to create space in your calendar. This might look like blocking off a Friday morning or a Saturday afternoon. Consider what kind of time you might dedicate to creating content, to planning and mapping out your strategies, and to showing up regularly (while also showing up for your own rest and self-care).
- Map out your launch strategy. When launching a new weekly class, workshop, or special event, study a calendar and create a strategy for when and how you’ll speak about the offering. If it’s a single workshop, perhaps you publicly announce on social one month before the date, then share about it every week until then. Share a variety of content formats with your audience and share regularly to cultivate a buzz and get that word of mouth going. Perhaps you alternate between an image with a caption explaining the WHAT, WHO, or WHY for the offering; then you might share a testimonial from a past student, or a carousel slide or reel breaking down something you’ll be teaching in the workshop.
- Create a content bank. Notes apps are your friends! Say something profound while teaching one day? Add it to a note in your new Marketing notes folder! Offer a Dharma talk on a particularly resonant topic that your students loved? Add it to a note! Listen to a podcast episode that inspired you? Make a note about it! This way you have a reservoir of meaningful material to come back to when it’s time to sit down and create content.
- Repeat and repurpose. As yoga teachers, we already know the value of repetition. We probably cue the breath dozens of times in a class setting. The same can be true for our marketing. Trust me, no one is studying your social content as closely as you are! Not sure what to say about an upcoming offering? Repeat yourself! Stuck on what to share in an upcoming newsletter? Pull copy from a recent social post! Always ask yourself, “how can I repurpose what I’ve already created?” Marketing content shouldn’t be a one and done process. Repetition is your friend. And it’ll also strengthen your brand and your voice.
- Let go. Perhaps you’re familiar with the teachings of abhyasa (practice) and vairagya (non-attachment). This yogic wisdom invites us to stay engaged, to show up for the practice and to release attachment to the outcomes—even in our marketing. When creating an effective digital strategy, the point isn’t to focus on numbers. Those will naturally fluctuate, ebb, and flow, and we can’t necessarily control for those shifts. What we can control is how we respond to them. And we can turn our focus and attention to the quality of what we share rather than the quantity of how much we share or how many folks see/like/save/send what we share. If something on social media doesn’t perform “well,” we can use that as information—we can consider how to pivot the content in a more effective direction. And, more importantly, we can be in a constant practice of non-attachment, continually coming back to our intentions and our WHY for doing the work we do in the world.
Are you interested in learning more?
I’m hosting a FREE virtual workshop called Making Your Marketing Easeful.
This session will support you in moving beyond the standard weekly schedule share, and we’ll cover topics like:
- Grounding with your marketing timelines and content creation
- Connecting with your community and being of service through your marketing
- Navigating times of stress, dis-ease, and collective trauma while showing up to grow your work
We’ll also discuss the curriculum and overview of my upcoming online course, Conscious Marketing: Justice-focused Digital Strategies for Yoga Teachers, which begins June 7th.
At this info session, I’ll give away one FREE spot to this 18-hour program!

Making Your Marketing Easeful
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
10-11am PDT (1-2pm EDT)
Live online via Zoom
Can’t join live? Register to receive the replay!