Running a Business During the Pandemic: Life Lessons

We’ve all had to rethink how we do business, especially in the yoga and wellness industries. For some, that has looked like scaling back on classes and workshops, or unfortunately closing the business altogether. What can be gleaned from these experiences as we move into the third year of the pandemic? And more importantly, how can these experiences be used in a constructive and healthy way to manage and maintain our work-life balance?

Lesson #1: Expect the Unexpected. This has required business owners to become more flexible in how services and products are offered (e.g., moving more online), to be more accepting of the “bottom line,” and to change the manner in which business is conducted.

Lesson #2: Regularly Practice What You Preach. Yoga teachers and wellness practitioners have been stressed out during this challenging time. Maintaining a consistent contemplative practice to manage stress and trauma and increase well-being is critical to be able to serve others who are dealing with these issues that the pandemic has in many ways magnified.

Lesson #3: Seek Out Collaboration. Many of us have been working in silos and “doing it alone.” This was never a good idea, and now more than ever, should be changed. This is not to say that one cannot create their own programming; however, if there is any way that collaboration would boost a project, then this is the time to pivot and lean into collaborating with others.

Lesson #4: A Renewed Commitment to Santosha. One of the niyamas, santosha (acceptance) can be challenging to practice on a regular basis. These times ask us to step towards our own edges and examine how we have accepted the pandemic, our relationships, and our connections with others. Using this COVID era to contemplate how, who and what we accept is the way to creating resilience and balance in our lives.

Lesson #5: Revisit Your Calling. Has the pandemic slowed down the pursuit of your passion? Why? Within this examination lies the truth of how stress, daily practice, and samskaras has been at the forefront of your life. In a lecture, renowned author and feminist bell hooks says that her pastor stated in a sermon: “Your heart has to be ready to handle the weight of your calling.” Are you ready?

About The Authors

Amina Naru and Pamela Stokes Eggleston are the co-founders of Retreat to Spirit, and deeply passionate about their work in assisting the paradigm shift that is taking place on our beloved mother earth. As internationally recognized leaders in the field of service and yoga with over 30 years of combined experience, their unique leadership style provides people who are seeking more joy, peace, and happiness with tools, mentorship, education and compassionate spaces for growth. Their collaborative work with Retreat to Spirit is based in yoga teachings, social justice and helping others find the right balance of self-care, business strategy, and service in these spaces.


Interested in learning more?
Join Pam and Amina for their upcoming Retreat to Spirit Mentorship: Connect your yoga business to heart-centered service. This three-month online offering will support you in jumpstarting and refreshing your yoga business, offering, or training. 

March 3 - May 24, 2022
Live, online
Monthly 3-hour intensives
3pm-6pm PDT // 6pm-9pm EDT
Weekly 90-minute mentor circles
Tuesdays 3pm-4:30pm PDT // 6pm-7:30 EDT
(Australian-friendly live session times)
Recordings of every session will be available for those who register!

Learn More & Register Now


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