Redefining Success: A Dharma Talk on Resource Redistribution with kelley nicole palmer

"The true success is that every person you come in contact with has what they need, and until we reach that, we haven’t really produced anything worthwhile or meaningful."

-kelley nicole palmer

In this dharma talk, kelley nicole palmer interrogates some of the internalizations that keep necessary resources inequitably distributed and addresses common barriers that prevent us from spreading our own abundance. Beyond sharing her insights, kelley nicole also invites us all to take stock of our own available resources and challenges us to redefine what we think “success” looks like.

No time to listen right now? Download this video for later.

Shifting culture means shifting our resources.


Join Kelley for Race & Equity in Yoga: Disruption as a Practice, a 12-hour online course for yoga teachers. This course is designed to help you get clear on your role in dismantling systems of oppression and activate your yoga practice for social justice.

Get course details & register now

Registration is Open Now through Monday August 8th, 2022
Course meets twice weekly and runs August 9th - 18th, 2022.
Pricing is tiered and partial scholarships are available.


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