Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga:

Cultivating Welcoming Practices & Communities

with Candice Baldwin, Becky Aten, Isazela 'Zel' Amanzi, Alexia Walker, Brooke West, Kendra Coupland, Ekta Hattangady & Theo Wildcroft
+ bonus series summary with Jivana Heyman

an online workshop series
now available on-demand!


an online workshop series
now available on-demand!


It is estimated that 1 in 5 people around the world are neurodivergent.

Neurodiversity is a framework for understanding variation in human cognition and the variety of ways the brain processes information.

Neurodiversity can also include people with mental health challenges. In fact, almost 50% of adults will be diagnosed with a mental health challenge during their lives. 

In this series, we hope to highlight and celebrate neurodiversity as yet another important example of human diversity & expansiveness, and reflect on the intersection of neurodiversity and yoga.

Neurodiversity-affirming yoga is about acknowledging that every single human being is having their own experience in ways that are not always accommodated. When we get into a space where differences are being celebrated over conformity, it allows people to unmask, be more authentic, and feel a sense of belonging without having to hide their differences.” – Becky Aten

As both teachers and students of yoga, your support needs are valid, even if other people think you don't need the support you're requesting or receiving. Your support needs and capacity are allowed to change day to day, class to class. You are the expert on what you can handle at any moment, in any space, no matter how you seem to be managing things from the outside looking in.– Alexia Walker

As yoga teachers and practitioners, it’s important to consider the ways that yoga can support neurodivergent folks.

This series is designed to broaden awareness and share tools for making yoga classes and spaces more accessible, welcoming, and inclusive for neurodiverse folks, and support neurodiverse practitioners and teachers in their own yoga practice and life.

Through sharing neuro-inclusive yoga practices, community building, education, and resource sharing, we’ll explore how to create welcoming and inclusive yoga environments.

Did you know?...

“Neurodiversity” is a general term that describes the expansiveness of human brain functioning, acknowledging that people think, learn, and behave in a variety of ways that aren’t deficits.

Being “neurodivergent” describes an individual whose brain works differently from a “neurotypical” person.


Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga:
Cultivating Welcoming Practices & Communities
is a 17-hour online workshop series 
now available for on-demand enrollment!

On-Demand enrollment includes 1 year of access to the Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga workshop replays (8 sessions) led by Candice Baldwin, Becky Aten, Isazela "Zel" Amanzi, Alexia Walker, Brooke West, Kendra Coupland, Theo Wildcroft and Ekta Hattangady, plus a bonus 1 hour series summary with Jivana Heyman, all recorded live & online in July-August 2024.

Each session is 2 hours duration, except the final series summary with Jivana Heyman, 1 which is 1 hour

Session 1

"De-Ableize" Your Yoga Practice & Teaching: Yoga for Neurodiverse Folx

with Candice Baldwin

Session 2

Embracing Neurodivergent Joy
through Yoga

with Becky Aten

Session 3

Neurodivergence, Mental Health
and the Kleshas

with Isazela "Zel" Amanzi

Session 4

Trauma and Neurodivergence:
Bridging Understanding & Practice

with Alexia Walker

Session 5

Mad Yoga and A Call To Action:
Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening & Peer Support During Global Crisis

with Brooke West

Session 6

Tantric Pedagogies: Teachings from the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam to Support in Times of Contraction

with Kendra Coupland

Session 7

Decolonizing Mental Health: Expansive Perspectives of Neurodiversity

with Ekta Hattangady

Session 8

From Eugenics to Theories of Mind: How to Understand the Bigger Picture of Neurodivergence and Be Better Allies Together

with Theo Wildcroft

+ bonus 1 hour series summary with Jivana Heyman

This workshop series is an effort to have a conversation in the yoga world about neurodiversity and mental health, with an intention to uplift a variety of voices and lived experiences. We recognize that the topic of neurdiversity and mental health includes a huge spectrum of experiences, and that we won’t be able to address them all. Our hope is that this series is just the beginning.

Content Warning:
These conversations may include discussions of trauma, abuse, ableism, self-harm, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and suicide. We encourage attendees to prioritize their own wellbeing and mental health when engaging these sessions.


Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga:
Cultivating Welcoming Practices & Communities
is a 17-hour online workshop series 
now available for on-demand enrollment!


On-Demand enrollment includes 1 year of access to the Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga workshop replays (8 sessions) led by Candice Baldwin, Becky Aten, Isazela "Zel" Amanzi, Alexia Walker, Brooke West, Kendra Coupland, Theo Wildcroft and Ekta Hattangady, plus a bonus 1 hour series summary with Jivana Heyman, all recorded live & online in July-August 2024.

Each session is 2 hours duration, except the final series summary with Jivana Heyman, 1 which is 1 hour

Session 1

"De-Ableize" Your Yoga Practice & Teaching: Yoga for Neurodiverse Folx

with Candice Baldwin

Session 2

Embracing Neurodivergent Joy through Yoga 

with Becky Aten

Session 3

Neurodivergence, Mental Health and the Kleshas

with Isazela "Zel" Amanzi

Session 4

Trauma and Neurodivergence: Bridging Understanding and Practice

with Alexia Walker

Session 5

Mad Yoga and A Call To Action: Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening and Peer Support During Global Crisis

with Brooke West

Session 6

Tantric Pedagogies: Teachings from the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam to Support in Times of Contraction

with Kendra Coupland

Session 7

Decolonizing Mental Health: Expansive Perspectives of Neurodiversity

with Ekta Hattangady

Session 8

From Eugenics to Theories of Mind: How to Understand the Bigger Picture of Neurodivergence and Be Better Allies Together

with Theo Wildcroft

+ bonus 1 hour series summary with Jivana Heyman

This workshop series is an effort to have a conversation in the yoga world about neurodiversity and mental health, with an intention to uplift a variety of voices and lived experiences. We recognize that the topic of neurdiversity and mental health includes a huge spectrum of experiences, and that we won’t be able to address them all. Our hope is that this series is just the beginning.

Content Warning:
These conversations may include discussions of trauma, abuse, ableism, self-harm, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and suicide. We encourage attendees to prioritize their own wellbeing and mental health when engaging these sessions.

“So much of the mainstream understanding and supposed treatment of neurodivergence, particularly autism, is based on the idea that we can train human beings to act 'normal'. This is not healing, this is indoctrination.”  – Theo Wildcroft

“There is also a misguided belief that transgender and autistic people are exceedingly rare, rather than inaccurately represented.” – Isazela "Zel" Amanzi



Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga:

Cultivating Welcoming Practices & Communities

 online workshop series (on-demand)

Tuition for this 8-part online, self-paced (on-demand) workshop series, with bonus series summary, is $339-$439 USD sliding scale

We also offer partial scholarships.

Tiered Pricing Explained:

  • Community Rate (supported by your peers)
  • Sustainer Rate (covers your enrollment)
  • Supporter Rate (covers your enrollment + supports your peers)

If you are able to enroll at the Supporter or Sustainer Rate, your contributions support the ability to offer a lower rate to community members experiencing financial difficulties. 

If you would like to clarify which pricing tier is most appropriate for you, please refer to this helpful graphic by Alexis J Cunningfolk:

The Green Bottle: Where You Fall On The Sliding  Scale

Intention of Equity Pricing Structure:

Please take a moment to consider the intention of our scholarship program and equity pricing structure, which was created in order to amplify training access for those who hold marginalized identities and those experiencing significant financial hardship.

If neither of those qualifications apply to you, we ask you to please consider other payment options, including using the tiered equity pricing structure and payment plans, or supporting others in our community who have decreased access to financial resources by enrolling as a Sustainer or Supporter, if this is accessible to you.


Single upfront payment.

Includes 1 year of access to the captioned replays of the 17-hour Neurodiversity, Mental Health & Yoga online workshop series, recorded live & online in July-August 2024, and associated resources.

(8 x 2 hour workshops + bonus 1 hour series summary with Jivana Heyman)

Community Rate

$339 USD


Sustainer Rate
$389 USD 


Supporter Rate
$439 USD



If our tiered pricing options are financially inaccessible, please click here to access our partial scholarship application form.

Series Facilitators










Series Facilitators











Please note: the views expressed by our faculty are their personal views, and may not be shared by Accessible Yoga.