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Teaching Accessible Yoga with Jivana Heyman
In this final wrap up episode, Jivana offers an overview of his book, The Teacher’s Guide to Accessible Yoga, and highlights a few topics that are of particular importance to him. Whether you’ve read the book or not,...
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Teacher as Student with Kino MacGregor
How does being a student of yoga translate into teaching yoga? Loving the practice and wanting to share it with others is at the heart of becoming a teacher. As a teacher, you also continue learning and evolving,...
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Teaching Meditation with Tracee Stanley
“All we're doing is preparing for that moment, where grace just drops in." - Tracee Stanley
The subtle practices of yoga, like yoga nidra and meditation, are among the most accessible forms of yoga. When we release...
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Teaching Pranayama with Melissa Shah
According to the yoga teachings, pranayama is among the most powerful practice we have. Yet, many of the common breathing practices are taught in ways that are not accessible or trauma-informed. How can teachers make...
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Teaching Savasana with Shawn Moore
Initially, Shavasana may seem like a simple posture. But, when we approach the practice with a little more depth, we can discover a powerful restorative practice with profound and multifaceted benefits.
In this...
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Trauma-Sensitive Teaching with Nityda Gessel
“Yoga is about embodiment, which is freeing, but a lot of us have experienced a level of disembodiment in the aftermath of trauma.” - Nityda Gessel
Trauma manifests in our body and affects how our nervous system...
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Teaching Asana with Avery Kalapa
Asana serves as a gateway to inner transformation, offering not just physical benefits but also profound connections to the mind, emotions, and spirit. When explored through the lens of accessibility, a deeper...
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Making Yoga Accessible with Jason Crandell
“There's almost never a singular way in a pose that we're going deep into, that I'm trying to get everyone to do…there's this range, you have to play within this range and figure out which one doesn't work and which...
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Creating Accessible Offerings with Tristan Katz
Yoga and business can feel contradictory at times, but there is a way to put yoga into practice in your work as a yoga teacher. Incorporating yogic philosophy into how you market yourself and run your business can...
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Power & Consent with M Camellia
What is the difference between giving commands and inviting exploration in a yoga class? How can yoga teachers allow students to be their own authority over their bodies and practice? These questions relate to power...
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Teaching as a Practice with Michelle Cassandra Johnson
In yoga culture, teachers are often placed up on pedestals, creating an unequal power dynamic. So, what happens when teachers get down from the pedestal and learn alongside the student? When teaching is approached as...
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Beyond the Eight Limbs of Yoga with Shanna Small
“Yoga is a destruction process. It's taking away all that stuff that we've picked up, and we thought is us and that we've just hung on to, and it's dismantling that.” – Shanna Small
Society teaches us to seek...
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