Yoga Revolution: What Is a Yoga Revolution? with Jivana Heyman

Season #1

Welcome to the Yoga Revolution Podcast! In this introductory episode, Jivana offers an overview of his new book Yoga Revolution and shares the inspiration behind the book's primary question: "How do we live yoga now?"

He discusses how the spiritual teachings can guide both inner and outer revolutions and why so many yoga practitioners and spiritual leaders--many of whom are interviewed on this show and in the book--connect yoga with social and racial justice.

Listen for a short reading and to find out what's coming this season on Yoga Revolution.

Learn more about Yoga Revolution by Jivana Heyman.

Order your copy of Yoga Revolution at Shambalaor wherever books are sold

Also by Jivana Heyman:
Accessible Yoga: Poses & Practices for Every Body (2019, Shambala)
The Teacher's Guide to Accessible Yoga: Best Practices for Sharing Yoga with Every Body (2024)

Connect with Jivana:


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