Yoga Revolution: Self Study with Sunny Barbee

Season #1

This week Jacquie “Sunny” Barbee joins Jivana to chat about non-attachment, spiritual bypassing, self-study, and how the path of yoga can support us in moving through our physical, emotional, and psychological pain.

Sunny is an E-RYT 200-hour yoga teacher living in the Panhandle of Florida. After yoga helped her manage chronic illness and depression, Sunny was inspired to share the practice with others and teach students how to customize their practice to fit their own body--whether it is larger, aging, or living with illness or injury. Sunny is also certified in Accessible Yoga, Yoga for All Bodies, Mind Body Solutions, and Yin Yoga. With her characteristic spirit of generosity and kindness, she shares her heartfelt journey along the path of yoga and why simply "checking in" on people and "being real" are central to her yoga practice.

Learn more about Sunny.
Follow her on Instagram for a regular dose of sunshine.

Learn more about Yoga Revolution by Jivana Heyman.

Order your copy of Yoga Revolution at Shambalaor wherever books are sold

Also by Jivana Heyman:
Accessible Yoga: Poses & Practices for Every Body (2019, Shambala)
The Teacher's Guide to Accessible Yoga: Best Practices for Sharing Yoga with Every Body (2024)

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