Yoga Revolution: Season 1 Wrap-Up with Jivana Heyman

Season #1

Jivana wraps Season 1 of the Yoga Revolution Podcast by reflecting on the writing, publishing, and promotional process he’s experienced over the past couple years. He shares about his history and experiences with both activism and yoga, including his first introduction to the practice (his grandmother), and how his connection to the practice has grown and changed throughout life. He also hints at some exciting offerings and happenings coming soon, including upcoming book clubs and forthcoming books, as well as where you can follow along with his work. Find the links below. Finally, Jivana reads a few sections from Yoga Revolution and offers suggestions for how to live our yoga practice authentically and connect our spiritual nature with our varied human experiences.

Learn more about Yoga Revolution by Jivana Heyman.

Order your copy of Yoga Revolution at Shambalaor wherever books are sold

Also by Jivana Heyman:
Accessible Yoga: Poses & Practices for Every Body (2019, Shambala)
The Teacher's Guide to Accessible Yoga: Best Practices for Sharing Yoga with Every Body (2024)

Connect with Jivana:


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